our downloads

Download: Products and Updates 


editNC12.3.1 (10.13.2023)

Floating License Manager v11.3+ (NFL USERS ONLY)   

BackplotX eXtended Support for editNC12 (BPX USERS ONLY)

editNC v11.6.1 (LEGACY)

BackplotX eXtended Support for editNC11 (BPX USERS ONLY) 

Re-Post v2023.0709

ShopFloorManager v8.0.39 (February 24 2023)

ShopFloorManager v8.0.x (Factory Technical Support Website)

        SuiteFactory v7.3.276 (LEGACY Final SF Release Sept 2020)


For product details see our products page


Re-Post "The NC Translator"

editNC "NC Programmers Editor of Choice" with BackplotX "eXtended Support"

ShopfloorManager "Enterprise Class Shopfloor Data Management System"


If any questions, feel free to contact us by email at sales@ebair.com or by phone at Ph 717-303-3100